Thursday, July 19, 2012

fb, ads, business

Going public is like penetrating the world of corporate giants. But Facebook isn't just a giant. It's a trend, a social media in itself, a realization of the dream that the world is so small.

Few years ago, the social networking site was just a simple, blue interface where you can read lots of interesting things about your friends. There were pictures, updates and links. As time went by, it evolved into a more complex tool where majority were able to adapt to. Unfortunately some couldn't keep up. Along with these changes were add-ons, new look and the coming-of-age ads!

Facebook explained, through a certain link, that it needs funding through sponsorship by certain companies. Hence the ads block in the site. Initially, there was only one ad per user. The ad was somewhat "chosen" for you based on certain parameters like the things that you "like." This is where they generate income, thereby keeping the employees compensated and paid the rent.

Things turn out bland when the company went public several weeks ago (May 18, 2012). I just thought they wouldn't change so much but, again, I was wrong. I noticed that there are at least five ads on the left side of the site when I logged on before I wrote this. The News Feeds are almost that of the products or apps.

Facebook really became boring with the IPO. I won't be surprised if it'll suffer the same fate its predecessors succumbed to.

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